Sustainability Policy
“What is the role of artconnexion in a changing world?”. In 2020, artconnexion invited The Museum of Loss and Renewal - Tracy Mackenna & Edwin Janssen to reflect on the values and philosophy of artconnexion. As ‘agents of change’, they were involved in identifying possible developments around key issues such as artistic research and production (especially in relation to the regional area and the idea of territory), the environment, care and hospitality. This residency gave rise to the Refresh! programme, developed in the form of a paper journal presenting an action plan. Having already raised awareness of these contemporary issues, the artconnexion team is now embarking on a new stage, a concrete and sincere commitment.
The subject has never been so hot, and current circumstances reinforce this questioning of our way of understanding the world and the environment. artconnexion is convinced that the arts has a role to play in this transformation. It is therefore committed to reducing its environmental impact through several measures. A timetable of short, medium and long term objectives has been devised in order to undertake a viable and structured transition. This calendar includes “material” actions such as the elimination of disposable plastic, the optimisation of communication materials, the development of eco-responsible mediation tools... but also “immaterial” actions such as raising public awareness through art, the support of local craftsmen and know-how or the mobilisation of other cultural players on these issues.
Thus, artconnexion has initiated a discussion group and a pooling of these issues with four other organisations in the Hauts-de-France region: Espace Croisé, Fructôse, Espace 36 and 50° Nord Réseau transfrontalier d'art contemporain. The aim is to bring together these local contemporary arts spaces of the same scale around a dynamic of mutual aid, support and sharing of materials and devices. For how can we envisage the future if not through a community, resilient and sustainable approach?
With its active involvement in this ecological and social transition, artconnexion is adapting its activities to these values and commitments. It aspires to be a driving force in the cultural ecological transition, and is committed to this with thinking and determination.